About Us

Caleefa was built to provide awareness, knowledge and nothing but natural, raw, organic and cold-pressed products straight from mother nature. Health is wealth especially during these uncertain times.

Since a youngster following the blueprint of my late father i have been providing knowledge and awareness to family and close friends. Ironically my 95 year old Grandad (who is still alive with a sharp brain) was doing the same thing back in the 1940s. He independently sourced different herbs, medicines and provided the majority of his town.

His mother birthed all of this, Grandma Victoria boiled all different types of herbs for the community aiding the sick. She did not charge a penny/shillings, she did this out of the kindness of her heart.

You can rest assure any product that comes from Caleefa was made with love and care. 

The Apple Don't Fall To Far From The Tree