


Full Spectrum

60 Capsules


What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is a ancient medicinal herb which is also known as Indian ginseng. The small evergreen is native to Africa, India and the Middle East. Ashwagandha is derived from the root. This makes for better absorption in the body. Ashwa means horse, and this is what the roots smell like. Once the roots have been dried, they are ground to make a powder.

With the rise of stress-related illness and disease, now more than ever, we find that we need help, support, and solutions to help manage and adapt to the constant pressures and stresses of everyday life.

We now know stress to be the root cause of around 90% of all illness and disease. This is a shocking statistic and something none of us should ignore. As busy people living busy lives, coping with chronic stress is all too common. Feeling drained, overwhelmed and prone to illness can become normal.

Nearly every system in our body can be disrupted by chronic stress. Our immune system can be suppressed, our digestive and reproductive systems upset, and our risk of heart attack and stroke increased, not to mention the speeding up of the ageing process. Stress can even rewire our brain, which leaves us more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. Ashwagandha is a supplement that everyone should have in their stress management toolbox.

Ashwagandha optimises the body’s stress response by lowering cortisol levels and promoting a calmer, clearer state of mind. It is clinically proven to reduce the feelings of anxiety by supporting the production of mood-stabilising brain chemicals. It can even help to reduce stress-related food cravings.

Optimises hormone health

In males, Ashwagandha promotes a healthy libido, increases male testosterone levels and sperm production. For females, it supports hormone health and mood changes that are related to the reproductive cycle. It is also proven to boost and restore normal thyroid function.

Supports demanding physical activity:

Athletic performance and cardiorespiratory endurance can be improved through taking this supplement, leading to increased muscle strength and size. Ashwagandha is also shown to speed up muscle recovery. This product is good for those who have demanding physical jobs and enjoy intense exercise or have active hobbies.

Promotes enhanced memory and cognitive function

Studies have shown Ashwagandha to be effective at improving memory, cognitive, and executive functions, and information processing speed, helping to promote a more focused, calm mind.

Promotes improved sleep quality and relaxation

In a study into sleep-deprived individuals, Ashwagandha improved sleep duration and quality, sleep efficiency and onset latency (the length of time it takes to get to sleep). Ashwagandha also regulates the production of cortisol, which can reduce stress. When you are relaxed and feeling less stressed, it is easier to get a more rejuvenating sleep.


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